Well not yet! So after having insurance once again... I finally set up an eye exam. I was always able to see pretty dang well, but of course as time goes by and I stare more and more into the depths of the screen of my work computer, and ones at home. My vision has become a bit messed up. Doc says it's not too bad, but glasses will be and every day thing. yay? So I had Eric take me this morning. I havent had my eyes dilated in along time so I wasn't about to try and drive with them like that. Smart thinking. let me tell you. Home Doc put the yellow crap in... and it burned, then he put some other crap and more crap! I had about 4 tissues in my hands for wiping. well the yellow crap made my eyes a bit dry and it crusted in the corners... mmmm. Then he sent me into the lobby where it was all windows. a bit bright if you ask me. Then I tried on about 30 pairs of glasses. I found some cute ones.... CONVERSE! Not only can your feet have class, but your eyes too! haha

pretty cute huh? The brown ones were too orangey.... and the red ones had pink... and she didn't have a picture of the olive ones. I may have gotten those to match my car and soon beach cruiser... haha. But Eric liked em and I thought they were Neatloaf. So after 670.00 worth of spending... thank goodness for insurance we only paid 90!

They handed me these "old people" looking things and said ok bye glasses will be back in a week. As we are going home, Eric finds it mighty hilarious that I can't see. Everything is blurry.. well not the 2.43 gas price at the Chevron! Wowza! He called me Ray (Charles) and Stevie all the way home and even into the house. Punk. Man I am glad Im not THAT blind. That gave me a head ache. So I laid down for a bit and I guess while I did, Eric was jumping balconies and helping neighbors break into houses. haha. What a good guy right? Oh and he also insisted on taking pictures of my eyes. He said they look like sad puppy eyes. I have yet to see the pictures.

So after a fun day of not seeing. I am headed to Cory's hoWse where the party is bumpin. ;) I look forward to playing our new game that we bought weeks ago.
Oh P.S. To those who left comments. I am sorry. I wasn't being rude, I didn't know I had them. I saw them Yesterday (Friday) and I was like oh look... Love! So I played with my settings and I will now be able to get emails telling me whats up. Then I will respond.
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