Friday, September 19, 2008

It's a Pupdate! Get it?

Puppies are doing well They are learning a lot! Like no potty on the floor, Poop is for outside, and daddy doesn't like chewed shoes. well the shoe thing is a work in progress. They are fun! We have taken them swimming once and they weren't too sure. They would sit on the step and try to talk to us and fall in.

They can swim though! Now each time Eric showers they push their way into the shower and just stand under the water and just hang out and relax. They love shower time. The cats are used to them but still don't put up with squat! That's OK cause they came first. As it turns out Greasy is MY dog and Marlyn is Eric's. Same for the cats.

Each animal that we named warmed up to the opposite person. Its funny but sad. Eric had his heart broken by Greasy but turns out shes a bit more timid than we all thought. She has a tough shell but is a softy inside.

She has just learned that if she tries extra hard she can jump up on the couch! She loves to cuddle with momma(me) and watch tv or lay on my feet while I cook. She's my baby. And Marlyn loves her daddy.

She will follow him just about anywhere and she loves to play with him. They are doing great and we will be bringing them to visit in November!!!! Love ya all!


Every Labor day weekend we have a huge family reunion. This is my Grandpa's family on my mothers side. Each year one of the original kids' family host the reunion. We all pay due to up keep our property but we rotate who is in charge of planning and events. This year we had a western theme and each family was to come up with a camp name. We were Shed's herd. My grandpa's name is Sheldon and his siblings called him Shed. So we were cows basically. We all got black and white bandannas that we wore around camp. Saturday is the day for events. Starting at 8am Utah time/7am Vegas time we have a skeet shooting contest. It is my favorite! I started when I was 14.

My first time shooting a shot gun and I got fourth among some seriously red neck ladies haha. Then my 2nd year I won 2nd place and the rest is history ladies and gents! Since 2003 I have been #1. Its fun to hear everyone cheer you on and say She's a sharp shooter and ask Eric how it feels to know your wife is a better shot... His reply "Great! That just means if someone breaks in at night I don't have to get up!" hahaha I was followed by my sister Shelly for Second and sister in law for 3rd in the womens. My niece/mini me got 1st place in young womens! That's my girl! It was a lot of fun. Meanwhile the kids were doing races and games up at our pavilion. I haven't been to those since 2000. :) Saturday night we have a talent night. There didn't seem to be many plays like normal. One of my mom's uncles had passed away about 2 weeks before the reunion. I was heart broken. He was always happy and made you feel good. All of his grand kids got up and sang his favorite song, "Waltzing Matilda" It was neat. Our family did a dance to a song called cows. We wore top had and had canes. It was a crack up

trying to fit us all on there. Then after Eric went to shoot his potato gun that he made and I stayed up and watched people dancing. We took the puppies with us. They absolutely loved it! We let them run free and they were good to stay by our camp and everything. Some of the kids enjoys letting them sleep on their laps and the young babies loved when they would lick their fingers through the cage... or bite them in a few cases. They slept in the car each night because it was tooooo cold for them just in the tent. The first night I was freezing! Sunday morning we have Cowboy church which is just family sharing time. They tell old stories and everyone is stary eyes just listening. Then later we have a huge lunch with every one a few hundred. our family did salads and I made a pasta salad. After lunch Eric and I packed up and headed down the mountain. We took the scenic

route to save 15 or 20 bucks in Zion. You have to pay to go through a tunnel. So we drove down through Colorado City and gandered the Polygamist! They sure are interesting people. We stopped and watered the dogs a few times. They sure do have some serious energy! Once we were home we slowly unpacked and rested. Monday we both had off and we played lazy alllll day. IT was nice for a change. I look forward to this same thing every year and I hope Eric will too. He's a little bitter the old farts wouldn't let him shoot his gun. haha He'll soon learn they are just old.

Call it Puppy Love!

So after taking Chief to the dog park we wanted to wait a while until we got another dog. But since we heard that Eric's mom's dog was Prego we decided we would be taking one of those. What better way to obtain a dog right? Not only that but we can start from the beginning. Poor Chief was just too retarded and messed up in the head. So we went down to Arizona to visit and get a puppy. The drive went smooth until we couldn't find Amanda's new house so we roomed at Eric's parents. Once we saw those puppies oh man! My heart was melting! There were 3 there and we only wanted one. Then we wanted two but I had the hardest time choosing which I wanted.
I asked a friend of ours if they wanted one and they said yes! so of course they were getting the runt/sweetheart/cuddle bug.
While we were down there I was able to break away and go see my friend Danielle. I hadn't seen her since our wedding. She and I met in Tempe at Red Robin and probably sat there for about 2 hours just talking. IT was good to catch up with her. After that we walked around a few stores and then walked over by the theater where we saw.... VADER!!!!! and Storm Troopers! It was funny. They were there for a children's charity. Due to the misters that were running and making the humid weather even worse... the pictures sucked. but here you go!

Sunday morning we met up with Eric's friend Lindsay and her boyfriend for breakfast at Mimi's Cafe. It was sooo good. They had the biggest muffins I've ever seen!!!! oh and it was a fabulous party in my mouth!

Before we were ready to leave we gave all three puppies a bath. They weren't too sure about it but they managed to survive.

After bath time and good byes we packed up the pups and headed to their new home... Ours. We stopped every once in a while for potty breaks and once at a park that said no dog...

They weren't dogs they were puppies! We grabbed some food to eat while we were there and wouldn't you know there was a Whataburger right next to the park!

Eric was in heaven and even had to chat it up with the guy in the drive through. It was cute seeing him get excited over a burger joint! But I get teary eyed when it comes to laser tag so I can understand. We let the pups play for about an hour and then back into the crate. Once we got home we ran inside, peed and then headed for, at the time Olive/Lily's new home. Our friends loved her and thought she was just cute. she even cuddled right up with them. We sat and visited a while and then took our girls home. We got home and set up the puppy mansion for them and even gave them a blanket so cuddle up with. The next Day work was hard! I wanted nothing more to go home and play with the puppies! But as I was walking out the door to go home from work I got a call. It was our friend. She said her husband goes back to work and she can't handle the dog by herself. .... seriously? She offered to keep her until a new family was found but I thought it would be best to keep her with her sisters. No point in letting her lag in the learning and why should she be with people who can't love her. So I went and got back our sweetheart. It was nice to have her back. We were selling some stuff on craigslist and one lady came to pick up something and she asked about the dogs. She was interested in my Marlyn!!!! No way! Well I was still unsure of who to keep and Eric offered her Marlyn. Turns out she couldn't take her anyway. So after about 2 weeks or so we were desperate to get her a home and a family. We both knew from past pets, cough chief cough cough it is hard on a puppy to be passed around. So we sucked it up and put her on craigslist. I got many bites but all I was a little iffy about. Until I got one. Her name was Lisa and her email gave me a calm feeling. So we arranged for her to come pick her up. When she did we knew she needed and would love our sweetheart as much as we would. She was a little homely looking but very kind. She lives close and we showed her where the dog park was. We live right across the street from it. It has to be my favorite place/past time. I felt good about it and she emailed me several times thanking me and letting me know how she was doing. She named her Beanie cause of her coloring. We are glad to have the puppies and even when training gets hard we still love them!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Egbert family get together

Since our family is "skipping" the Egbert reunion this year, some of us decided to hang out at the cabin anyways. No plans, no schedule to follow, just relax and do what you please. It was nice to do as we pleased. Eric and I slept in my mom's trailer since she was in the cabin. That was fun. Usually the cabin is filled with crying children randomly during the night and full force in the morning. I mostly played card games and hung out while Eric took my nephews, Evan and Joe, on a hike down into that canyon/Cliff you saw from the post before. They were gone for about 4 hours. They were able to play in the creek and shoot off some rounds haha At that time my sister in law and brother Pauline and Chris were at the top watching them. Aaron once again caught a craw dad and My niece Jenna played mother with it. When it was time to go she and her dad had to put it back.

Obviously he didn't get the "don't take morning pictures" memo

Me holding Baby Deonna and talking to my dad

A mock picture for a friend

Eric on his rock!

Evan, Eric and Joe

"I can has Cheez burger?"

Jenna putting her friend back in the lake

There he goes!

Extra pictures from the July 11th reunion

Looking from our cabin down towards the cliff

Diana by the cliff

Eric and I

Eric by the cliff, wondering if he made it in the picture

Family Reunion July 11th - 13th

So this summer we have been in and out of town just about every other week. We first went to a family reunion on my mothers side of the family. It was nice. We rode four wheelers and face painted and played in hail storms, well Eric did. He had a bunch of kids on the ranger and had gone down to a near by lake. While they were down there a huge storm came in and it brought hail. Eric played hero and brought them all back in one piece. I think EVERY kid was soaked and crying. After dropping off all the kids he had to go back to get my brother Aaron who was fishing on the lake and had gone back out to get his crawdad traps. He only caught one! haha.

Eric getting ready to leave town

Diana's face painting skills

Eric's face... painting.... skills hahaha

Brandon eating Cheetos

Sheldon waking up from his nap

Diana and Sheldon

Eric getting ready to take kids on "that" ride

Sheldon and I riding around

Driving to the cabin to get Eric some warms

Shelly keep dry... inside and helping with the auction

Gordon the dog got soaked in the rain

Aaron and Eric digging through the candy after the storm

Eric the gate man

Shelly eating dinner... but look closer and you get...

Puppy loves fishes cause they so delicious

Staying warm in mom's camper

Eric and I with puppy labs

Sheldon loves the puppies

Adam getting down on some Wii Rockband

We had fun and it was nice to get out of town