Monday I had school, Beg. Photography.
Tuesday I had my Comp Graphics class. MIDTERM DUE!!! Lucky us we got a 10 out of 10. and No I don't enjoy working in teams. I felt I had to pull teeth to get it right.
Here is our final product...

Not the greatest but hey, Im still learning.
Wednesday I had my nephew Sheldon all day. His mom Shelly is PTA President and sometimes has to be at the school all day. This kid is the most chill kid ever! We played rockband, watched cartoons, and gardened. Before we moved in with my parents I had planted some basil, chives, pumpkins :( and cilantro... the puny basil plant is the only one that survived... its a giant mutant now! So we plucked the leaves and Sheldon had so much fun "helping". Now I have tons of Basil and no Mozzarella!
Later that night I went to my first Lia Sophia party. Its a Jewelry party, yes they have nice stuff but are they over priced? You betcha! I couldn't believe some of the necklaces and their prices! It was insane!!!!
Thursday I worked on my sisters invitations for her Holidy Open House! check these sweet babies out!

Awww for cute!!! I mean come on! Would you not just go to the show just to meet the Awesome lady who made these and buy some Pampered Chef Products from her? I know I would... wink wink.
I have been doing invitations for my Aunt and sister. Mostly my aunt, and I think Im going to do them on the side now. Its fun.
Later that night I went to see one of my favorite bands, The Creepshow! I first saw them in Washington and have loved them since.

A quick lesson on what type of music they play... Some may have heard the term Rock-a-billy, which is based off music around the 1950's to 1960's. Most bands have stand up bass' and a lead singer that just has that "old" voice. Now there is a spin off rockabilly called psychobilly, same sounds, maybe more guitars? but they sing about Zombies, monsters, and dead things. The Creepshow is psychobilly. I have an undying love for Halloween, Frankenstein and bride, and other creepy things, just keep the clowns in the closet please... bleh. So there you have it...
I went with my friend Char to see them, and it was fun. It was a small intimate show, but still glad I got to see them.
That same night Eric got a call at about 10:30pm for work. Poor guy had to go out to Pahrump to give someone a new machine. He didn't make it home until 1:30am and had to get up at 6am to get ready for work and drive back out there... Maybe we should look into Blue Diamond homes... sigh.
Needless to say he and I got home about the same time, and wow we were beat. Most of the time we are in bed by 10:00.
Friday morning he makes it to work and I tumble out of bed to an empty house. Mom and Dad are gone and so is Eric. I continue working on my sisters invites and she comes over! Mind you Shelly is some odd months pregnant... and of course it doesnt stop her. I find out she has her Fall Carnival at the school and needs some help. I send her on her way to run a couple errands while I get dressed, She picks me up and we head to a few more stores then to the school. *Note to self, NEVER join PTA* I don't know how she doesn't High Five some peoples faces! I know I could have... After all the set up and once it started I head over to the Karaoke booth to help my brother Cory. I cant tell you how many times Best of both worlds was requested and sung... Attention Elementary kids... there is more music out there!!! Please find it! After all was said and done it was a success. I came home beat and so did Eric.
Saturday, we get up and Eric is all dressed and tells me to get ready. I ask him for what and he says a surprise.... So I get ready, do my hair and makeup... and we're on our way... we headed towards the mall and Im thinking aww he's taking my to breakfast... about half way there, he looks at me and says "By the way we're going to Target for underwear and socks"... Seriously!!! Punk! He had a friend in town that he knows from the Navy and wanted to meet up and grab some grub, so we walked the mall just window shopping until we heard from his friend. I convinced him to walk into Bath and Body works with me. I haven't been in there in forever. They had their big soaps on sale for $3 each, so I picked two fall scents and then a lady hands me a coupon that says Spend $15 and get an item up to $13 for free! so I picked up 2 of their lip glosses that are awesome each for $5 and noticed a sign buy two get one free... so I grabbed another and then headed to find my free thing. I picked up a double refill pack for the air fresheners for $12.50. I paid $20.04 total for over $40 worth of stuff. it made my day! We headed to IHOP and had Breakfast/Lunch with his friends and then showed them our favorite store Cash 4 Chaos. Its like a hot topic but better and hidden. They sell more local stuff and you can always find some unique things there.
Eric bought me a book bag for school, It matches my wallet, and a necklace. He bought himself a new button up that just looks sweet on him! His friends were really glad we showed them that store. After that we dropped them off and headed home to veg for a few hours. I took a cat nap and Eric played games. Then we were off to our friends Ben and Rachel's for dinner and pumpkin carving. They invited us over since I decided not to do the Halloween dinner this year :( We had some awesome steak and roasted potatoes with special cheese, peas, and home made tortilla chips that were soo good. Then Banana bread for dessert.
Ben and Rachel went to a local orchid and picked out pumpkins for us. Goodness they were THICK!!! tons of scraping so we could get a good design. Ben didn't carve one because he had creative person block, so he looked up some crazy pumpkins on line. Rachel did a sweet possessed PAC Man, Eric did Satan... I was just corrected, I thought it was a mean ram... ahha and I did the skull from The Horrorpops, another psychobilly band I love. We played with the lights and shadows for a while and then headed home.
That has been our busy week.... or mine? Now enjoy our pumpkins...
I cut stars out on the back so when its lit and next to a wall they will show!